Thursday, March 17, 2011

We need to overcome an oppressor's deception

Oppressors are great pretenders...
I know a leader who masters deception. He performs the abuse discreetly that the victims failed to notice it. He use the tactics and techniques used by oppressors.

Let us use the frog as an example.. If you will put a frog in a pan and hastily raise the volume of the fire, the frog will surely jump out from the pan...
Now, if you will gradually raise the volume of the fire, the frog cannot feel the heat and will die surely without noticing it...So, in this technique he gradually implement a command or order and the people adopted gradually the order without noticing that they had been deceived.   
There are series of questions need to be asked in order to overcome an oppressor's deception...Hereunder are the following:

Who is the victim? - it is very important...
What is the nature of the injury? - it is not merely on physical injury... 
How the victim been hurt?
Is the abuse or oppression continuing?
What is the means or method of abuse or injury?
Who is the perpetrator, and why does he or she commit the abuse? - mostly on the greedy desire of the perpetrator...
Is the person who actually performs the abuse sent by someone else or under a chain of command or authority? - mostly by the strong advise from the husband or wife...

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